Roblox Color Codes & Updates 2022

Gamers Exploits
7 min readSep 17, 2022

Good morning, men! The Roblox Color Codes and recent revisions are listed here, along with other crucial information. The objective of the colour game is to identify a combination of coloured Pegs chosen at random by the computer. A Mastermind version is this game. The player selects a set of coloured pegs for their turn, and the computer responds with one black dot for each peg in the correct location and one white dot for each peg in the combination that is in a different place..

The player can then select a new combination by including pegs of other colours, rearranging the coloured pegs, or doing both. Until the right combination is found or the allotted number of turns has been taken, the game continues. There are three progressively harder stages in the colour game. Number of pegs and levels from level I to level III

About the Game and Roblox Color Codes

Rules of the game:

1. Hurry to the visible colour.

2. What colour are you standing on when the time is up?

You fail.

3. The game’s winner is the last person remaining!

Game Rating & Reviews

Positive Rating — 668K+

Negative rating — 111K+

Active Roblox Color Codes list

Codes in Roblox Color might be challenging, but they’re also an important part of the game. For you to advance in your game and have uninterrupted fun, you must learn how to utilize hacks effectively. We all engage in cheating when playing games on our own terms to minimize disturbances, not because we intentionally break the rules or mean to hurt other players.

- White rgb — (242, 243, 243)

- Grey rgb — (161, 165, 162)

- Light yellow rgb — (249, 233, 153)

- Brick yellow rgb — (215, 197, 154)

- Light green (Mint) rgb — (194, 218, 184)

- Light reddish violet rgb — (232, 186, 200)

- Pastel Blue rgb — (128, 187, 219)

- Light orange brown rgb — (203, 132, 66)

- Nougat rgb — (204, 142, 105)

- Bright red rgb — (196, 40, 28)

- Med. reddish violet rgb — (196, 112, 160)

- Bright blue rgb — (13, 105, 172)

- Bright yellow rgb — (245, 205, 48)

- Earth orange rgb — (98, 71, 50)

- Black rgb — (27, 42, 53)

- Dark grey rgb — (109, 110, 108)

- Dark green rgb — (40, 127, 71)

- Medium green rgb — (161, 196, 140)

- Lig. Yellowich orange rgb — (243, 207, 155)

- Bright green rgb — (75, 151, 75)

- Dark orange rgb — (160, 95, 53)

- Light bluish violet rgb — (193, 202, 222)

- Transparent rgb — (236, 236, 236)

- Tr. Red rgb — (205, 84, 75)

- Tr. Lg blue rgb — (193, 223, 240)

- Tr. Blue rgb — (123, 182, 232)

- Tr. Yellow rgb — (247, 241, 141)

- Light blue rgb — (180, 210, 228)

- Tr. Flu. Reddish orange rgb — (217, 133, 108)

- Tr. Green rgb — (132, 182, 141)

- Tr. Flu. Green rgb — (248, 241, 132)

- Phosph. White rgb — (236, 232, 222)

- Light red rgb — (238, 196, 182)

- Medium red rgb — (218, 134, 122)

- Medium blue rgb — (110, 153, 202)

- Light grey rgb — (199, 193, 183)

- Bright violet rgb — (107, 50, 124)

- Br. yellowish orange rgb — (226, 155, 64)

- Bright orange rgb — (218, 133, 65)

- Bright bluish green rgb — (0, 143, 156)

- Earth yellow rgb — (104, 92, 67)

- Bright bluish violet rgb — (67, 84, 147)

- Tr. Brown rgb — (191, 183, 177)

- Medium bluish violet rgb — (104, 116, 172)

- Tr. Medi. reddish violet rgb — (229, 173, 200)

- Med. yellowish green rgb — (199, 210, 60)

- Med. bluish green rgb — (85, 165, 175)

- Light bluish green rgb — (183, 215, 213)

- Br. yellowish green rgb — (164, 189, 71)

- Lig. yellowish green rgb — (217, 228, 167)

- Med. yellowish orange rgb — (231, 172, 88)

- Br. reddish orange rgb — (211, 111, 76)

- Bright reddish violet rgb — (146, 57, 120)

- Light orange rgb — (234, 184, 146)

- Tr. Bright bluish violet rgb — (165, 165, 203)

- Gold rgb — (220, 188, 129)

- Dark nougat rgb — (174, 122, 89)

- Silver rgb — (156, 163, 168)

- Neon orange rgb — (213, 115, 61)

- Neon green rgb — (216, 221, 86)

- Sand blue rgb — (116, 134, 157)

- Sand violet rgb — (135, 124, 144)

- Medium orange rgb — (224, 152, 100)

- Sand yellow rgb — (149, 138, 115)

- Earth blue rgb — (32, 58, 86)

- Earth green rgb — (39, 70, 45)

- Tr. Flu. Blue rgb — (207, 226, 247)

- Sand blue metallic rgb — (121, 136, 161)

- Sand violet metallic rgb — (149, 142, 163)

- Sand yellow metallic rgb — (147, 135, 103)

- Dark grey metallic rgb — (87, 88, 87)

- Black metallic rgb — (22, 29, 50)

- Light grey metallic rgb — (171, 173, 172)

- Sand green rgb — (120, 144, 130)

- Sand red rgb — (149, 121, 119)

- Dark red rgb — (123, 46, 47)

- Tr. Flu. Yellow rgb — (255, 246, 123)

- Tr. Flu. Red rgb — (225, 164, 194)

- Gun metallic rgb — (117, 108, 98)

- Red flip/flop rgb — (151, 105, 91)

- Yellow flip/flop rgb — (180, 132, 85)

- Silver flip/flop rgb — (137, 135, 136)

- Curry rgb — (215, 169, 75)

- Fire Yellow rgb — (249, 214, 46)

- Flame yellowish orange rgb — (232, 171, 45)

- Reddish brown rgb — (105, 64, 40)

- Flame reddish orange rgb — (207, 96, 36)

- Medium stone grey rgb — (163, 162, 165)

- Royal blue rgb — (70, 103, 164)

- Dark Royal blue rgb — (35, 71, 139)

- Bright reddish lilac rgb — (142, 66, 133)

- Dark stone grey rgb — (99, 95, 98)

- Lemon metalic rgb — (130, 138, 93)

- Light stone grey rgb — (229, 228, 223)

- Dark Curry rgb — (176, 142, 68)

- Faded green rgb — (112, 149, 120)

- Turquoise rgb — (121, 181, 181)

- Light Royal blue rgb — (159, 195, 233)

- Medium Royal blue rgb — (108, 129, 183)

- Rust rgb — (144, 76, 42)

- Brown rgb — (124, 92, 70)

- Reddish lilac rgb — (150, 112, 159)

- Lilac rgb — (107, 98, 155)

- Light lilac rgb — (167, 169, 206)

- Bright purple rgb — (205, 98, 152)

- Light purple rgb — (228, 173, 200)

- Light pink rgb — (220, 144, 149)

- Light brick yellow rgb — (240, 213, 160)

- Warm yellowish orange rgb — (235, 184, 127)

- Cool yellow rgb — (253, 234, 141)

- Dove blue rgb — (125, 187, 221)

- Medium lilac rgb — (52, 43, 117)

- Slime green rgb — (80, 109, 84)

- Smoky grey rgb — (91, 93, 105)

- Dark blue rgb — (0, 16, 176)

- Parsley green rgb — (44, 101, 29)

- Steel blue rgb — (82, 124, 174)

- Storm blue rgb — (51, 88, 130)

- Lapis rgb — (16, 42, 220)

- Dark indigo rgb — (61, 21, 133)

- Sea green rgb — (52, 142, 64)

- Shamrock rgb(91, 154, 76)

- Fossil rgb(159, 161, 172)

- Mulberry rgb(89, 34, 89)

- Forest green rgb(31, 128, 29)

- Cadet blue rgb(159, 173, 192)

- Electric blue rgb(9, 137, 207)

- Eggplant rgb(123, 0, 123)

- Moss rgb(124, 156, 107)

- Artichoke rgb(138, 171, 133)

- Sage green rgb(185, 196, 177)

- Ghost grey rgb(202, 203, 209)

- Lilac rgb(167, 94, 155)

- Plum rgb(123, 47, 123)

- Olivine rgb(148, 190, 129)

- Laurel green rgb(168, 189, 153)

- Quill grey rgb(223, 223, 222)

- Crimson rgb(151, 0, 0)

- Mint rgb(177, 229, 166)

- Baby blue rgb(152, 194, 219)

- Carnation pink rgb(255, 152, 220)

- Persimmon rgb(255, 89, 89)

- Maroon rgb(117, 0, 0)

- Gold rgb(239, 184, 56)

- Daisy orange rgb(248, 217, 109)

- Pearl rgb(231, 231, 236)

- Fog rgb(199, 212, 228)

- Salmon rgb(255, 148, 148)

- Terra Cotta rgb(190, 104, 98)

- Cocoa rgb(86, 36, 36)

- Wheat rgb(241, 231, 199)

- Buttermilk rgb(254, 243, 187)

- Mauve rgb(224, 178, 208)

- Sunrise rgb(212, 144, 189)

- Tawny rgb(150, 85, 85)

- Rust rgb(143, 76, 42)

- Cashmere rgb(211, 190, 150)

- Khaki rgb(226, 220, 188)

- Lily white rgb(237, 234, 234)

- Seashell rgb(233, 218, 218)

- Burgundy rgb(136, 62, 62)

- Cork rgb(188, 155, 93)

- Burlap rgb(199, 172, 120)

- Beige rgb(202, 191, 163)

- Oyster rgb(187, 179, 178)

- Pine Cone rgb(108, 88, 75)

- Fawn brown rgb(160, 132, 79)

- Hurricane grey rgb(149, 137, 136)

- Cloudy grey rgb(171, 168, 158)

- Linen rgb(175, 148, 131)

- Copper rgb(150, 103, 102)

- Dirt brown rgb(86, 66, 54)

- Bronze rgb(126, 104, 63)

- Flint rgb(105, 102, 92)

- Dark taupe rgb(90, 76, 66)

- Burnt Sienna rgb(106, 57, 9)

- Institutional white rgb(248, 248, 248)

- Mid gray rgb(205, 205, 205)

- Really black rgb(17, 17, 17)

- Really red rgb(255, 0, 0)

- Deep orange rgb(255, 176, 0)

- Alder rgb(180, 128, 255)

- Dusty Rose rgb(163, 75, 75)

- Olive rgb(193, 190, 66)

- New Yeller rgb(255, 255, 0)

- Really blue rgb(0, 0, 255)

- Navy blue rgb(0, 32, 96)

- Deep blue rgb(33, 84, 185)

- Cyan rgb(4, 175, 236)

- CGA brown rgb(170, 85, 0)

- Magenta rgb(170, 0, 170)

- Pink rgb(255, 102, 204)

- Deep orange rgb(255, 175, 0)

- Teal rgb(18, 238, 212)

- Toothpaste rgb(0, 255, 255)

- Lime green rgb(0, 255, 0)

- Camo rgb(58, 125, 21)

- Grime rgb(127, 142, 100)

- Lavender rgb(140, 91, 159)

- Pastel light blue rgb(175, 221, 255)

- Pastel orange rgb(255, 201, 201)

- Pastel violet rgb(177, 167, 255)

- Pastel blue-green rgb(159, 243, 233)

- Pastel green rgb(204, 255, 204)

- Pastel yellow rgb(255, 255, 204)

- Pastel brown rgb(255, 204, 153)

- Royal purple rgb(98, 37, 209)

- Hot pink rgb(255, 0, 191)

Also, Read:-Pokemon sword and shield mystery codes 2022

Get in touch with Roblox Color, Contact below


How to use New Roblox Color Codes?

If you are uncertain about how to utilize Roblox Color? It’s really really easy! Just adhere to a few simple directions.

a. Login with Facebook/Twitter/Google/Huawei at

b. Bind your login account with your game account

i. Filling out your information server, ID, etc

ii. You have to request a 6-digit code that sends to your in-game mailbox.

c. Check your in-game maile to get the 6-digit code, then put it in the textbox.

What Should You Do If Your Roblox Color Fail?

Please let us know in the comments..

GamersExploit Tip

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Feel free to provide suggestions or counsel on whatever you like. The GamersExploit team is constantly interested in your feedback.



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